Again I Say Rejoice Leader Discussion Guide

Again I Say Rejoice: Lesson 1 Discussion Guide

It’s your first discussion! I’m excited for your group as you dig into the sweet epistle. The Lord has some powerful truths to share to grow your faith, maturity, and knowledge of Him. I pray that this leader’s guide will give you some tips on getting the most out of your time together.

Remember that you will depend on the Spirit to empower you as you lead your group’s discussion. Trust His guidance. Know that these questions are simply a suggestion. What’s important is that you keep the discussion focused on the Word. Be sensitive to the Spirit’s nudge to lean into a particular point, perhaps asking clarifying questions or questions that will encourage deeper thought. And be ready for the Spirit to move you on from one question to the next to keep the discussion moving.

A successful discussion, especially in this first lesson, is one in which the group members leave excited and confident about continuing studying, whether or not you touched on every possible discussion point.

Discussion Focus: Overview of Philippians

This first lesson in Again I Say Rejoice is an overview lesson. As you study, you’ll read through Philippians several times over, looking for clues as to the background of the letter. You’ll learn about Paul, the Philippian church, and their relationship with each other. You’ll also start to notice themes in the letter that we will dig into in more detail in the coming lessons.

As an overview lesson, you will spend most of your time in the observation stage of inductive study. There are some application points, but in this particular lesson, the goal is more to get in the mind of Paul and the Philippians rather than to see things from your own perspective. Remember that application will become more and more personal as we continue the study. It is very ok for this discussion to raise questions that are not answered yet. I encourage you to make a note of them and challenge your group to seek answers as they continue studying.

Discussion Opening

Lesson 1 Focus: To become familiar with the letter to the Philippians, understanding Paul’s perspective as he writes and the Philippian church’s perspective as they hear what Paul is telling them.

Always remember to open in prayer.

Begin by asking your group if there is anything about the study’s mechanics that they need to clarify now that they have worked through the first week. Make sure they feel confident about answering the questions.

Suggested Discussion Questions:

What were your initial thoughts about Philippians from your first read-through?

Give time for your group to formulate their thoughts. This is an open-ended question, so feel free to add follow-up questions depending on how the group answers. Remember that you do not need to dig into Philippians in this question – this is for you to gauge what your group is thinking as they study.

What surprised you in this letter? Encouraged you? What did you have a question about?

This is from page 6 of the study. Again, give your group time to chat about their answers. Encourage them that we will likely have a chance to dig into the questions as we continue the study, and will see how the Lord answers their questions.

What did you learn about Paul this week? What are his circumstances? What is on his mind?

Many of the answers to this will be from Part 2 of the lesson. If needed, go through the references on page 8-9. Some members of your group may have completed the For Further Study section. Use your discretion as to whether to include insights from that section in your discussion.

How did Paul first meet the people in Philippi? Who did he meet? What happened to him while he was there?

This is from Part 3 of the lesson. As time permits, have the group recount the story of Paul’s decision to go to Philippi, meeting Lydia and the slave girl, and his time in prison.

What did you learn about the Philippian church itself at the time Paul is writing to them? How does his mention of them in Corinthians add to your understanding of their situation and character?

This will summarize what your group saw in Part 4. All of these questions are designed to give a foundational observation (what do you see) of the text. Feel free to ask your group to share the verses on which they are basing their answers. One goal of your discussion is to train your group to base their answers on the Word of God, not on their own speculations.

Now, you can move into the Wrapping It Up questions in Part 5. Allow the group time to discuss the questions they have already worked through as part of their study. Keep the discussion flowing, but allow group members to share their personal responses to the text. Your role as a leader is to allow the group members a chance to share while keeping the discussion on track, based on Philippians.

If the sharing starts to go off track, bring it back around by asking a question such as, “What did we see in Philippians that can help with that situation?” Alternatively, you can simply interject at the next possible break in the conversation and ask the next “Wrapping it Up” question.

Use your discretion regarding the question on page 21, as this question becomes more personal. A group that is already familiar with each other may be willing to share, while a group of relative strangers may be more reserved. Be careful not to put anyone “on the spot.”

Closing the discussion

If you need a final question before you close, you can ask your group how they hope this study will impact their lives.

Take prayer requests, but keep them brief. Have them share their requests in one or two sentences.

Close in prayer, either yourself or see if a group member would be willing to close. Do not call on anyone to close in prayer unless you are confident that they would be willing to do so.

How did your discussion go?

Let me know how it went! Did the Lord prompt you to ask any additional questions that spurred a great conversation? Do you have any questions about anything in the study? Share your thoughts in the comments to strengthen and encourage one another!

Feel free to contact me if I would be more than happy to help you and your group get on the right page with the study.

I’m praying for you and rejoicing with you as you shepherd your flock!

Found this post and wondering what study it goes with? Find Again I Say Rejoice: An Inductive Study of Philippians here or on

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