Treasuring God's Word Logo

A New Logo for Our New Adventure

As I was starting to accept that perhaps the Lord had more in store for these studies than to simply putting them on Amazon and hoping a few people find them every so often, I started to pray about branding. I needed to find some kind of logo that would represent what we are doing. My goal was for it to be something easily recognizable, and it was important to me that it be symbolic. My inspiration was Psalm 1:

Blessed is the man 
    who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, 
 nor stands in the way of sinners, 
    nor sits in the seat of scoffers; 
 but his delight is in the law of the LORD, 
    and on his law he meditates day and night. 

 He is like a tree 
      planted by streams of water 
  that yields its fruit in its season, 
      and its leaf does not wither. 
  In all that he does, he prospers. (Psalm 1:1-3)

I gave just a few suggestions – perhaps something that would graphically represent a Bible, maybe a tree to represent the tree from Psalm 1, and that was about it. I was absolutely blown away by the logo they came up with. Let me walk you through what I see in it:

In March of 2022 I saw several recommendations for a Ukrainian company called GetCovers. If you remember the time frame, this was near the beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Get Covers was still operating, and I thought it would be a great opportunity to see what they could do. I saw they offered a whole branding kit on their website for a very good price, so I contacted them to see what they might come up with (of course praying the whole time that the Lord would direct it all).

The colors of the logo

Gold (or honey, however you see it) represents the value and sweetness that is in the Word of God.

   the fear of the LORD is clean, 
      enduring forever; 
   the rules of the LORD are true, 
      and righteous altogether. 
   More to be desired are they than gold, 
      even much fine gold; 
   sweeter also than honey 
      and drippings of the honeycomb.  (Psalm 19:9-10)

Blue/ Teal is a little more subjective, but often represents peace and knowledge.

May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. (2 Peter 1:2)

The logo itself

Treasuring God's Word logo

The tree coming up out of the book is clearly representative of the truth of Psalm 1. This is the heartbeat of our name, Treasuring God’s Word.

We study Psalm 1 in depth in Call to Worship, but just for fun let’s do a little word study here.

Delight/ Treasure

Delight and Treasure are similar words. The Hebrew word used in Psalm 1 is hepes, and comes from a root that means to be inclined toward. There are so many things that we can delight in. We can delight in financial gain, we can delight in our children, we can delight in things that we do, our jobs or hobbies, all of which are wonderful things, they are all things that we treasure.

But the Scriptures teach us to delight in the Word of God, in His wonderous ways, in His character, and His wisdom. Psalm 1 teaches us that there is true prosperity that comes from delighting in God’s Word, that it makes us like a fruitful tree that does not wither even in the dry seasons.

Law of the Lord

As far as the Law of the Lord, the word torah in Psalm 1 goes deeper than simply the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures. To be sure, those books are called the Torah, but the word torah actually refers to instruction, to teaching. It is not outside the context of Scripture to understand the phrase the Law of the Lord in Psalm 1 to refer to all of the teachings of the Lord, all of His instruction, instruction that we now recognize as all of the books from Genesis through to Revelation. All of His Word is our treasure because it all points to Jesus.

The people

As you look at the logo, you’ll notice that the designer added a feature I didn’t mention to her – the pages of the book becoming the people of the book. What a beautiful image of the transformation that comes through the study of the Word! We can study the Word independently, but it is when we live in a community that is rooted in the Word of God that we experience the fullness of all that God intends for us! I would challenge you to read carefully through Ephesians 4.

Understand from this chapter the purpose of community in building us together in faith. Inductive study often takes a very individualistic bent, seeing as the focus is on your personal study of the Word of God. But God’s purpose was never that we would be isolated, but rather that we would always be established in a community of believers, each one having gifts to build up others. I love that community is built into the logo of Treasuring God’s Word.


One more thing I noticed about the people. Notice that some are reaching up, some are reaching out, and there is an arch over all of them, signifying their unity. My home church‘s mission statement is Reaching Up, Reaching In, and Reaching Out. We reach up to the Lord as we abide in Him. We reach in as we live in community with our brothers and sisters in Christ, ministering to one another. And as we do these things we are empowered to reach out to the world around us.

This is why we study. It’s not about gaining knowledge. It’s about connecting with the Lord, about being equipped to serve one another, and about being empowered to minister to the world.

Join me as we dig deep into this incredible treasure that the Lord has given to us in His Word!


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